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A Path to Wellness

The numbers 87 and 160 have impacted my life in a very significant way. These numbers represent the two extremes of my body weight over the last four years. Currently, while managing the responsibilities of a husband, children, and Crohn’s disease, I weigh about 135 pounds.

The struggle with my weight and health over the last four years has been a very difficult for me physically, mentally and spiritually. I have learned in the last two years, however, that I can truly do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The symptoms of Crohn’s had been under control for a number of years, but about four years ago, I had a severe flare up. It hit me hard and fast. I experienced loss of appetite, severe abdominal pain, internal bleeding, and rapid weight lost. At the time of the flare up, I weighed about 150 pounds. I had given birth two years prior to my fourth child and was still trying to lose the “baby fat.” I went from 150 pounds to 87 pounds in four months!

My doctor put me on a new medicine and every six weeks I had to go to the hospital to receive treatment intravenously. Along with this treatment, the prayers and support of my family and church members enabled me to recover in record time. At each month’s visit, I remember my doctor being very surprised at how well I was doing, especially since I refused to go on the steroids he had recommended along with the other medication.

My appetite returned in a big way and I started to regain the much needed weight I had lost. My doctor was very pleased, and so was I with the steady weight gain every month. After I reached 140 pounds about a year later and continued to gain weight, I realized that I was in yet another crisis. My eating was out of control. I was hungry all the time and ate constantly throughout the day and night. I remember getting up in the middle of the night to eat. I snacked on junk food throughout the day and consumed a lot of sugar. My doctor assured me that increased appetite was not a side affect of the medication I was taking.

I had no idea of what was going on in my body. I felt like I was living in a body that did not belong to me. I was tired all the time, was very moody, and could not bear to look at myself in the mirror. In May of 2008, weighing 160 pounds, I decided that enough was enough. I began to cry out to the Lord for answers. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that I was in a state of depression. After being delivered from a the spirit of depression, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that no diet plan was going to get my weight back under control. What I had to do was to make lifestyle changes.

June of 2008 marked a defining shift in my life. Believe me when I tell you that every lifestyle shift that I have made over the last year and a half came directly from the Lord. I haven’t read any books or done any research in this area. God has truly directed my path every step of the way and placed me on the road to spiritual and physical wellness.

Three major milestones occurred. First, I went on a 30-day colon cleansing process. Second, I gave up snacking on junk food and third, I stopped adding sugar to my tea or coffee. I drink two to three cups of hot tea or coffee daily. Prior to giving up sugar, I added two teaspoons of sugar per cup which meant I was consuming four to six teaspoons of sugar daily. Giving up the sugar was extremely difficult but by December of 2008, six months later, I had lost 20 pounds.

January of 2009 marked the second defining shift on my path to wellness. I went on a 40- day fast, one of the most difficult ventures of my life. The fast consisted of only water on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and water on the other days. This fast was rejuvenating spiritually, mentally and physically. The purpose of the fast was purely spiritual; however, the wellness benefits that came along with it were astounding.

As a result of the fast, my overall health has improved tremendously. I now have more energy and stamina throughout the day, I do not experience any symptoms of Crohn’s, and have lost an additional 25 pounds. What is even more significant is the change in my eating habits. I am now making healthier choices, eating less and demonstrating self-control when it comes to foods I have had a weakness for in the past. The amount of food that my body requires to create that feeling of fullness is considerably less than before the fast.

Toward the end of the fast someone shared an article with me on the benefits of taking honey and cinnamon. The benefits that captured my immediate attention were that cinnamon and honey helped relieved sinus problems and eczema, it aided in weight loss, and most importantly, it healed stomach ulcers. I keep a mixture of honey and cinnamon in a container on my countertop in the kitchen and for the last nine months have been taking a teaspoon of it every morning and sometimes at night. I truly believe it to be a natural healing agent.

One of my favorite passages of scripture comes from Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” I truly believe that every step that I have taken toward health and wellness since May of 2008 was directed by the Lord. Deliverance from depression; the colon cleansing process; cutting my sugar and snack food intake; the 40-day fast and the cinnamon and honey therapy were all steps ordered by the Lord for me. The key to my success with this plan of action was consistency in my commitments. I realized at the onset that what I was seeking after had no quick fixes. I have been on this journey now for about a year and a half and will be on it for the rest of my life. In order for me to fulfill my purpose in life I must be well in body and spirit.

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