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Detox: Restore your Health with God designed Fuel

I believe it’s imperative for you to discover how to cleanse or “detox” harmful substances out of your body.

God designed many exiting pathways to eliminate toxins from your body such as your lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, and gastrointestinal system.  The problem arises when the amount of hazardous chemicals coming into the body is much greater than the amount you can eliminate or when your exiting pathways become congested.  If you take in more toxins than your body can eliminate, the toxins are stored in fat cells. To protect your body and prevent the circulation of these toxins, your body holds on to these fat cells, preventing weight loss.  If you don’t make changes, these poisons eventually cause sickness, ailments, and diseases.  You must slow down the inflow of toxicity into your body and clear the pathways that excrete them.

Increase of Toxins Affecting Us

Toxicity has reached a level never seen before.  Accumulated toxins are causing a rapid decline in the health of our friends, neighbors, and loved ones. Diseases that were once rare in older adults are now affecting teenagers and young children at alarming rates.  Schools are filled with kids suffering from asthma, allergies, ADD, autism, depression, and obesity.  It’s hard to find a classroom anymore without at least one student suffering from a severe peanut allergy.  Adults are experiencing an onslaught of mystifying diseases like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, thyroid disorders, and hormone imbalances.  In addition, individuals are afflicted daily with many chronic conditions like lethargy, digestive problems, memory issues, body aches, and more.  Many of these bothersome ailments can be attributed to chemical overload.

Toxins are unavoidable.  However, through research and selection of natural, non-toxic, and organic resources for yourself and your family, toxin inflow can be limited.  Here is a glance at the source of some of the toxins we ingest.

If you experience allergic reactions (unexplained skin rashes, red itchy eyes, headaches, or cough) that won’t go away, depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may want to seek the help of a professional who specializes in detoxification.  A specialist can order laboratory tests to confirm the type and level of toxicity that you are carrying and direct you towards a product to assist with its removal.

The EnviroDetox Diet

The EnviroDetox Diet will significantly reduce your toxic load and improve your symptoms alone, but with the aid of a binding agent, a more thorough cleansing occurs.  It should be followed for a minimum of 1 month, followed by a gradual reintroduction of God-designed foods. Not only will this remove toxins from the body, but it will assist in:

  • reducing inflammation
  • stabilizing insulin and blood sugar
  • enhancing digestion
  • healing cell membranes so toxins can be unloaded
  • regenerating hormone receptors, allowing hormones to balance and regulate
  • strengthening immune system


Remember to consume God-designed Meat & Fish in moderation (grass-fed, free range/cage-free, no hormone added meats; avoid farm raised and Atlantic fish).  Avoid pork!

  • Increase Healthy Fats
  • Increase Vegetables (High Fiber/Low Glycemic Index)
  • Consume Raw or Organic Dairy in moderation. No pasteurized or homogenized cheeses or milk.
  • No grains (including whole grains)
  • No Sugars (including natural high glycemic sweeteners like honey and maple syrup)
  • No High Glycemic Index Fruits (low glycemic index fruits in moderation)

“Detox” is not a new concept, but it is a modernized term for a Biblical principle.  In Biblical times people used fasting to cleanse (detox) their bodies and minds, allowing them to think clearly and focus on God. Scientifically, we now understand how fasting works; it stabilizes insulin and blood sugar, reduces inflammation, enhances digestion, balances hormones, and strengthens the immune system.  It clears the brain and heals the body by releasing toxins. Whether you choose to fast (abstain from certain foods and/or  beverages for a time) or detox (by eating the prescribed foods listed here), it will help you manage your weight and significantly improve you overall health.  Remember to drink plenty of clean, purified water and pray often as you go through the process.

1U.S. EPA.  Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances.  Endocrine Disruptor Screening and Testing Advisory Committee.  Final Report.  Washington DC.1998

2Essential Cleansing Magazine.  Volume 1.

3Pompa, Dan, Customized Detoxification Manual (Modules I & II), Maximized Living Customized Nutrition, 2007


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About Author:

Picture of Fay McLaughlin

Fay McLaughlin

Fay McLaughlin, BSc, RD, graduated from the Wayne State University Coordinated Dietetics Program in Detroit, Michigan in 1995. She has since worked for Marriott Management Services, a Michigan based women’s eating disorder clinic, W.I.C. and conducted private dietary consulting. Currently, Fay resides in Marietta, Georgia with her husband and four children. She believes that God made eating simple and gave us many wonderful foods to enjoy. Unfortunately man has altered, genetically modified, and processed foods, destroying much of God’s design. Choosing our food has become a very complex task, and, therefore, Fay presently spends her time researching, teaching and encouraging others to return to God’s eating plan.

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