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The Most Common Cancer in Men

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, striking one in every six men during their lifetime. The Prostate gland is located under the base of the bladder and is part of the male reproductive system.  In cancer,  there is   an uncontrolled division of cells thus forming an abnormal growth or mass and causing destruction of adjacent tissue. This is then followed by spread:

– to the lymph nodes, and
– to the blood stream.


The cause of prostate cancer is unknown.
Some studies have shown a relationship between
– high dietary fat intake and
– increased testosterone levels.


  • There is no known association with an enlarged prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
    Prostate cancer is rarely found in men younger than 40 years.  But  it is the most common cause of death from cancer in men over age 75.
    People  at higher risk include:
  • African-American men
  • Men over 60  years
  • Men working  in  tire  plants
  • Men with exposure to cadmium  and  to paints.
  • The lowest number of cases occurs in Japanese men and   vegetarians.


Today with PSA  (Prostate  Specific Antigen)  testing, most prostate cancers are now found before they cause symptoms.  The symptoms listed below can occur with prostate cancer,  but they are more  often associated with  benign  prostate  hyperplasia (BPH)  or  enlargement.

  • Urinary hesitancy (a delay or slow start of urination)
  • Urinary dribbling, especially  just after urinating
  • Urinary retention
  • Pain with urination
  • Pain with bowel movement
  • Lower back pain
  • Other symptoms  may include:
  • Excess urination at night
  • Urinary leaking (incontinence)
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  •  Abdominal pain
  • Bone pain or tenderness
  • Low red blood cell count (anemia)
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of weight


A digital rectal exam (DRE)  will often show an enlarged, hard, irregular   prostate.
Tests  to diagnose prostate cancer:
– PSA (Prostate  Specific  Antigen)  test  may be high,  but  benign enlargement of the prostate can also increase PSA levels.
– Free PSA (may help tell the difference between BPH and prostate cancer).
– AMACR  (Alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase-  a newer test that is more sensitive than the PSA test for determining prostate cancer).
– Urinalysis (may show blood in the urine).
– Urine or prostatic fluid testing (may reveal unusual cells).

– Prostate biopsy.  This is the  definitive  test to confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer.
Tests tests  done to determine if the cancer has spread:
– CT scan
– Bone scan
– Chest x-ray


Health care providers use a system called staging to describe how far the cancer has grown ( tumor size), and how far the cancer has spread outside of the prostate to determine the stage.  Identifying the correct stage   helps  the doctor  determine the best treatment.
Different ways to stage tumors, include:
-The TNM  ( tumor, node,  metastasis)  staging system.  This uses stages   l, ll,   lll and   lV.
-The A-B-C-D staging system,  also known as the Whitmore-Jewett system.
Stages  A  and  B-  are both  confined to the  prostate.    A= small and  B = larger  tumor.
Stage C- is spread  through  prostate capsule  to  adjacent tissue but not to lymph nodes.
Stage D- is  spread  to lymph nodes   or  by  blood stream to  other tissues.
The  TNM  stages  l, ll,  lll  and  lV   correspond  to  the Whitmore- Jewett  A, B, C and D  stages.


The grade of a tumor describes how aggressive a cancer might be. The more the tumor cells differ from normal tissue, is the faster these cells are likely to grow.  The grading system for prostate cancer is called  the  GLEASON grade or score.  It is a 5 point  scoring  system  G1 to G5.  The higher scores  usually indicate  faster  growing  and  more aggressive cancers.


Treatment options vary based on the stage of the tumor,   and  include  (1) surgery, (2) radiation therapy,   and (3) chemotherapy.   Older patients,  may have monitoring of the cancer without active treatment.

Prostate cancer that has spread may be treated with drugs to reduce testosterone levels,  surgery to remove the testes, or chemotherapy.
Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy can interfere with sexual desire and /or performance on either a temporary or permanent basis.   These are concerns  for discussion between  the health care provider and  patient.


Surgery is usually only recommended after a thorough evaluation and discussion of all treatment options.  The patient must be  aware of the benefits as well as risks of the procedure.
– Prostatectomy  (surgery to remove the prostate gland)  is often recommended for treating  the earlier   stages  of prostate cancers.  Surgery  is  lengthy  and complications are possible. There  are different surgical   approaches including:
– Abdominal    retropubic.   Incision from the  umbilicus  to pubic bone.
– Abdominal    laparoscopic.  A thin tube with a video camera  (laparoscope) is inserted  through a  small   incision.  The view of prostate is projected on to a screen which  the surgeon watches  while working   with  instruments through  other small incisions.
– Perineal.    Incision between the anus and base of scrotum.
– Orchidectomy  is removal of one or both testes.   The testes produce testosterone  and   this  promotes the growth of prostate tumors.  Orchidectomy   changes the hormonal  environment,   thus preventing further growth and spread of  cancer  cells.

But  then, the loss of testosterone production may lead to problems with   sexual  function, osteoporosis  (thinning of the bones), and loss of muscle mass.


Radiation therapy is used to treat different  stages of prostate cancers.  When  a patient’s  health makes surgery too risky, radiation therapy is often the preferred alternative. Radiation therapy to the prostate gland is either external or internal:

External beam radiation (EBR)  therapy is done in a radiation oncology center by specially trained radiation oncologists. The part of the body  to be treated is marked with a  with a special pen. The radiation is delivered painlessly to the prostate gland using  a  special machine.   This  EBR  therapy is usually done 5 days a week for about 6 – 8 weeks.

Internal  radiation  or Prostate brachytherapy  involves placing radioactive seeds, directly into the prostate. A surgeon inserts small needles through the skin behind  scrotum to inject the seeds. The seeds are so small they are not felt. They can be temporary or permanent.  Internal radiation therapy  may be given for early  and slow-growing prostate cancers. It also may be given with external beam radiation therapy for some patients with more advanced cancers.

ProstRecision. This  technique  uses a combination of  pinpoint radiation by seed  implants  and  a conformal  beam  radiation to destroy the prostate cancer.  Cure rates are high and  side effects are few.

Radiation is sometimes used for pain relief when cancer has spread to the bone.

Side effects may include impotence, incontinence, appetite loss, fatigue, skin reactions such as redness and irritation, rectal burning or injury, diarrhea, inflamed bladder (cystitis), and blood in urine.


Medicines can be used to adjust the levels of testosterone. This is called  hormonal  manipulation.  Because prostate tumors require testosterone to grow, reducing the testosterone level often works very well at preventing further growth and spread of the cancer. Hormone manipulation is mainly used to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has spread   beyond  the prostate.

The drugs Lupron and Zoladex are also being used to treat advanced prostate cancer. These medicines block the production of testosterone. The procedure is often called  chemical castration,  because it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. However, unlike surgery, it is reversible. The drugs must be given by injection, usually every 3 – 6 months.

Possible side effects include nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, anemia, lethargy, osteoporosis, reduced sexual desire, and impotence.
Other medications used for hormonal therapy include androgen-blocking drugs (such as flutamide), which prevent testosterone from attaching to prostate cells.
Possible side effects include erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire, liver problems, diarrhea, and enlarged breasts.

Chemotherapy is often used to treat prostate cancers that are resistant to hormonal  treatments. An oncology specialist will usually recommend a single drug or a combination of drugs. Chemotherapy medications that may be used to treat prostate cancer include:

  • Adriamycin
  • Estramustine
  • Mitoxantrone
  • Docetaxel
  • Paclitaxel
  • Prednisone

After the first round of chemotherapy, most men receive further doses on an outpatient basis at a clinic or physician’s office. Side effects depend on the drug, how often you take it, and for how long.  Some of the side effects for the most commonly used prostate cancer chemotherapy drugs include:

  • Bruising
  • Blood clots
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Low  blood cell count ( white cells, red cells, or platelets)
  • Mouth sores
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Weight gain
  • Tingling or numbness in hands and feet
  • Fluid retention


Aims to treat, not prevent,  prostate cancer by spurring the  immune defenses to attack prostate cancer  cells. Immune cells are removed from the  patients blood,   then   they activated to fight   cancer,  and finally,  re-infused  into the blood.  Three  cycles occur in 1 month.  Used for advanced  prostate cancer  that  is no longer responding  to hormone therapy.


Impotence is a potential complication after prostate removal or radiation therapy. Recent improvements in surgical procedures have made this complication less common. Urinary incontinence is another possible complication. Medications can have side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire.


There is no known way to prevent prostate cancer. Following a vegetarian, low-fat diet or one that is similar to the traditional Japanese diet may lower your risk. Early identification (as opposed to prevention) is now possible by screening men over age 40 each year with a digital rectal examination (DRE) and PSA blood test.

There is a debate, however, as to whether PSA testing should be done in all men. There are some potential downsides to PSA testing. The first is that a high PSA level does not always mean that a patient has prostate cancer. The second is that health care providers are detecting and treating some very early-stage prostate cancers that may never have caused the patient any harm.


– Keep  educating  yourself, so you know what to expect.
– Find a support group  of individuals   with  similar diagnosis or  experience.
– Avoid stress,   pace yourself,  rest when you need to do so.
– Get involved  in meaningful activities  like  helping others.
– Have  some fun and laughter,  spend time interacting with the grand children.
– Use a  diet of good proteins especially fish, moderate in carbohydrates , rich in fruits , vegetables  and essential  fatty acids,  plus a multivitamin supplement.
– Develop  and  maintain a regular daily exercise  program.
– Have faith in God; prayer,  meditation, and  scripture reading are of great  value in completing  “a holistic  approach”  to coping with prostate cancer.

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Picture of W.E. Daisley

W.E. Daisley

W.E. Daisley is a British trained medical doctor with specialty training in anesthesiology.

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